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Recommended Reading

Bill Hanline
The Constitutional Death of the UAW

Volume I, Part 1


Page 1-3  Cooperation; So what is this really all about?; Cooperation Partners

Volume I, Part 2


Page 1-4  Opposition to the autocratic style; Fact is, only one person signed the Ford Visteon agreement; The UAW Constitution requires that the members must be allowed to vote; Why should the Cooperation Partners (IEB) care?

Volume I, Part 3

Page 1-4   Democracy, Conciliation, Imprudence or Shirk-ness; Obscene?, Was the UAW Duped?, Institutional Corruption; Conclusion

Volume I, Part 4

Page 1-4 Cycle Repeats Itself, Adequate Notice of Settlement of Class Action -Inadequate Counsel During Negotiations, Whipsawing and Dividing Members, GM’s Survival - Hand Picked, Viability of the DC-VEBA, Hold Harmless - Notification Required, Conclusion


Volume I, Part 5

Page 1-2    Foresight or a Bumbling Politician?, What could they be Negotiating?

Volume I, Part 6

Page 1-5    Intelligent Design, Do Joint funds programs pay off?, What did your $4 billion plus get"you: as a UAW Member, Attention Retirees and Activists Who Support Brother McKnight’s Lawsuit!, So What Happened?

Volume I, Part 7

Page 1-2  The INSIDEMAN, The OUTSIDEMAN and the SHILL, Fiduciary Responsibility 

Volume I, Part 8

Page 1-2    “We are not lawyers, just rank and filers!”, VEBA Las Vegas

Volume I, Part 9

Page 1-2     UAW Convention, The Labor Management Recording and Disclosure Act

Volume I, Part 10


Volume I, Part 11

Page 1   The Con was on at the Con-Con

Volume I, Part 12

Page 1   John / Jane Doe "COME ON DOWN"

Volume I, Part 13

December 3, 2006--"Obscene"????

Volume I, Part 14

April 26 Meeting with  International Leaders at Local 2195 in Athens, AL

Volume II, Part 1

part 1    what?, The Constitutional Death of the UAW December 14, 2008. “Congress and UAW need look in the mirror first”   December 17, 2008

David Bacon is  one of . . . . well, since I don't revere heroes, I should say,  one of my only heroes.

Bacon documents the struggles of working and marginalized people with dignity every day. 

A man of his talent could make a lot of money. 

He chooses to dignify the working poor.

He chooses integrity.

You can see integrity in the eyes of the people he photographs.

May I be so blessed as to see dignity in every human being I pass.


By David Bacon
East Bay Express, 2/10/16



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